
General conditions of the
use and the sale

Last edition/ July 03, 2020

General conditions of the use and the sale

Last edition/ July 03, 2020

In accordance with the articles 6-III and 19 of the Law n° 2004-575 dated June 21 ,2004, for the confidence in the Digital Economy, known as L.C.E.N.
We inform users and visitors of the site MineStrator.com about following:

Multi-platforms accessibility

Every user willing to rent the game server proposed by MineStrator.com is obliged to fill the form on the site answering honestly the requested information.

He certifies to fulfill all necessary conditions to accede and to play the games for which he rents the server, in particular concerning the age and licence

If, for any reason the user cease to fulfill the requested conditions, he should immediately stop using the corresponding server or servers

Regular updates

User: Internet user connection and using the services of MineStrator.com

Add-ons compatibility

The use of the site MineStrator.com the complete acceptance of the General conditions of the use described here after

General conditions of the use, could be modified or completed at any time, without prior notice, the users of MineStrator.com are invited to consult them at the regular basis

By principle MineStrator.com is accessible 24/24h, 7/7d, except interruption, scheduled or not for the maintenance purposes or in case of force majeure. In case of impossibility to access to the services, MineStrator.com is engaged to do his maximum to restore the access and to communicate to the users the date and hour of the interruption.

Being subject only to an obligation of means, MineStrator.com cannot be held responsible for any damage, whatever its nature, resulting from unavailability of the service.

The site MineStrator.com is updated on regular basis by the site owner. At that moment the Legal Mentions could be modified without any prior notice and should be accepted by the user unconditionally.

The user is engaged to accept the Legal mentions unconditionally and to refer to it to verify any possible modification.

The site MineStrator.com also reserves the right to sell, transfer, without a prior notice the rights of the present GCS and GCU as well as Legal Mentions

Continuing to use the services of the site MineStrator.com, the user recognizes the acceptance of the General conditions modifications if this is the case.

MineStrator.com prohibit the use of the plugins or the external back up system not included in the service.
MineStrator.com tolerate the use of the external script which download or save the data provided with the file access.(SFTP/FTP)
MineStrator.com tolerate the use of the plugins type 'dynmap' and other plugins which requires the consequent CPU charge in conditions that the configuration was properly set up to avoid the resources abuse.

Attention, in case of abusive and repeated consumption of server resources by the user MineStrator.com reserves the right to suspend the service

Services decription

The site MineStrator.com aims to provide information concerning all of the company's activities

The site owner endeavors to provide the most accurate information as possible on the site MineStrator.com

However, he cannot be held responsible for omissions, inaccuracies and deficiencies in the updates whether it is its own doing or that of third party partners who provide him with this information

All information given by the site MineStrator.com for informational purpose only , non exhaustive and could be evolve.
This information is subject to modifications having been made since they were put online.

Responsibility limits

The site MineStrator.com cannot be held for typographical errors, inaccuracies appeared on the service or any damage resulting from its use.

The user is responsible of the correct use of his equipment and he support all the direct and indirect cost related to his internet connection.

The user of the site MineStrator.com commits to access to the site with the recent material, which doesn't contain virus and with the updated browser.

The user disclaims responsibility of the site MineStrator.com for any harm that it may suffer or to be a cause directly or indirectly, as a result of the provided services.

The sole responsibility of the user is incurred by the service use and he disclaims the responsibility of the site MineStrator.com vis a vis the third party.

The interactive areas (possibility to ask the questions in the contact space) are available for the users.

The site MineStrator.com reserves the right to delete, without prior notice, all content written in that space which would contravene the French legislation in particular concerning the data protection laws

If applicable, the site owner reserves the possibility to call into question the civil and/or criminal liability of the user, in particular in case of racist , offensive, defamatory message or content of pornographic nature, regardless of the used support (text, photography, etc.).

Please notice that the developers of the MineStrator.com keeps the user's mail and IP address.

Consequently, he must be aware that in case of an injunction from the judicial authority he may be found and prosecuted.

MineStrator.com decline all the responsibility in case of the data lost.

Intellectual property

Software, presentations of information, games, names, trade names, texts, comments, images, illustrations, brands of products or services, inventions, and in general, any creation of any nature , which is accessible on the site MineStrator.com, remain the exclusive property of their respective owners.

The creation and transmission of data, information, software and games is carried out under the control and responsibility of the user.

The user is authorized to use the programs, games, services, functionalities, provided online by the service of MineStrator.com, in respect of MineStrator.com intellectual property, the programs providers, game editors or all other having rights, implying exclusively the private use.

In particular the user makes his private affair to possess the games he uses and cannot engage the responsibility of MineStrator.

Regardless the title if the user or his co users authorize the access to the server where they have no right to access.

Hypertexted links and cookies

The site MineStrator.com contains the certain number of hyperlinks to the other sites (partners, information..)

However, the site owner has no possibility to verify the content of the other sites and thus decline all of the responsibility therefore regarding the possible risks of illicit content.

the user is informed that during the visit of the site MineStrator.com, one or few cookies will be installed on their material

The cookie is small file, which is not used to identify the user, but record the browsing information on the site

The obtained this way data aims to facilitate the browsing on the site and manage the traffic.

The software setting inform about the cookies presence and eventually to refuse them by writing to cnil.fr r

Refusing to install a cookie may result the impossibility to access certain services.

Applicable law and attribution of jurisdiction

Any litigation concerning the user of the site MineStrator.com is a subject to the French law.

The user as well as MineStrator.com agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts in the event of a litigation..


The rental agreement is initially concluded for the duration chosen during the purchase (1/3/6/12 month).

The user has the possibility to use the auto renewing functionality, allowing to extend the game server rental by the new payment for the same amount as the previous period. This functionality could be dismissed at any moment

The characteristics of the account to be debited may be modified by the user at any time.

The rental contract is governed by these general conditions of use.

The rental period starts at the moment of the server delivery by MineStrator.com to the client

These general rental conditions apply during the entire rental contract, including in the extension and on the occasion of any use of MineStrator 's server.

After expiration of the rental contract, the access to the server is automatically closed to the customer and his personal data becomes inaccessible.

The termination process is automatic and occurs at the end of the last paid period.

Since then the user's data could be deleted by MineStrator.com at any moment

In the event of failure by the user to fulfill his obligations or non-compliance with these general conditions of sale,MineStrator.com reserves the right to suspend or to terminate the contract without the prior notice and any compensation.

Payment conditions

The payment for the services provided by MineStrator.com will be executed by PayPal, Stripe or Dedipass prior to the beginning of the rental period.

Auto renewal mode is accessible only for the users paying by PayPal or Stripe.

In this case the new rental period payment will occurred 72 h before the end of the current rental period, the same amount and for the same duration by the paying method (Paypal or Stripe indicated by the user) except the modifications made by the user prior the mentioned period (72 h)

The invoicing system is automatic and the services are subject to VAT.

Given the digital nature of the services, no refund will be possible after payment of the order.

Otherwise, the user's account will be credited

Protection of property and people - management of personal data

In France the personal data is protected by the law n° 78-87 of 6 January 1978, law n° 2004-801 of 6 August 2004, the article L. 226-13 of the Penal Code and the European directive of 24 October 1995.

On MineStrator.com, the site owner collect the personal data exclusively for correct execution of certain services provided by MineStrator.com.

The user consent to provide this information with full knowledge of the facts, in particular when he enters this information in person.

It's specified to the user the possibility to provide this information or decline.

In accordance with the articles 38 and as stipulated by the law 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relative to data processing, files and freedom, any user has a right of access, rectification, deletion and opposition to personal data concerning him.

To claim your personal data address your request to the site MineStrator.com by mail : support@MineStrator.com or write and sign the request joining the copy of your ID with the signature of the holder and specify the address where the answer should be sent

No any user's personal information present on MineStrator.com will be published, exchanged, transferred or sold to the third party without the explicit user's consent.

Only the hypothesis of the repurchase of the site MineStrator.com from the site owner and his obligations will allow the transmission to the new owner who will acquire the same obligations to preserve and to modify the user's data.

The database is protected by the law of July 1, 1998 transposing the directive 96/9 of March 11, 1996 relative to the legal protection of the user's data.
