
Frequently asked questions

Many questions-many answers!
frequently asked questions.

If you have any doubt on your needs or the service quality, you can contact us here and ask for the help and we can deliver the service for few hours for the trail.
MineLoad™ allows strategic and balanced resources management.

What that means ?

Minestrator network is composed with several physical servers,
each server has a calculated limit of the hosting players depending on its power.
MineLoad™ will maintained the server at their 70% resources capacity.
That means that each newly ordered Minecraft service will be assigned to the less loaded physical server.

How does it works?

30% of remaining resources 10% will be allocated to the 'motor engine' of each server to avoid the system to slow down.

Example: With gamer PC, which has a capacity to play the high quality game, if you allocate 4 GB of RAM and launch Minecraft game it will have a lot of tics while loading the chinks, because of the saturated RAM and Minecraft game will not be communicated with the system correctly
That's why Ii's necessary to have a margin to avoid to saturate the servers.

20% is allocated to the second part of MineLoad™ which role is to allocate the bonus RAM to the server when needed.

Example: Take the server with the 8 GB allocated RAM, if 90% of RAM is used bonus RAM will be allocated to help server with overload (from 256Mb to 1Gb)
When the server lowers under 90%, MineLoad™ will recover bonus RAM to re allocated to another server in need.

In conclusion: The objective of MineLoad™ is to maintain the stability of the MineStrator infrastracture.
The FlexCore is a marketing term made official and used by MineStrator since October 2020 to design the principle of '95 percentile'.

What is 95 percentile ?
Wikipedia definition: 'In descriptive statistics, the ninety-fifth percentile is the value such that 95% of the measured values are below and 5% are above.'

The Minecraft service has a tenancy punctually to use a strong load on processor like:
- Map loading,
- Map generation,
-Strong players density at the same place.
- Start/Restart/ Stop server.

The objective of FlexCores which are the one /several supplementary cores to provide the flexibility and the punctual performance boost.
Until the appearance date of FlexCore on MineStrator this advantage were already offered for our users, Receive more than you pay!

The dedicated RAM belongs you for 100%, it's only yours.

In the offer Flexi and hybrid RAM, your server is delivered with 8 Go of RAM. You dispose 3 free and automatic boost of 2 Go each. The 4th one should be validated by the team member. To unblock the RAM boost your server should consume 90% of your RAM during the hour. Then the extension will be unblocked and taken into account in the next server restart. After validation by the team, your server could obtain 2 additional automatic boost of 2Go each, after again the validation would be necessary etc.

If your service has no enough RAM to launch the game correctly and the game crash before reach the requested hour, you can ask the boost directly by the ticket on the site.
We put the point of honor to provide the possible best quality of hosting, thus we guarantee that one server occupy 1 processor core and not several servers for 1 core as at some other hosting services
TeamSpeak is so has been 2015, we have Discord Icon https://discord.gg/sa3uVjE
MineStrator is lanched his services at April 9, 2017
We indeed offer other games as well as web hosting here: WebStrator.
Yes! We are interested in all project: YouTube chain, Minecraft server, website... Contact us here
If we don't find any solution and the problem comes from our infrastructure and we cannot correct it, we engage to the full refund on a short terms.
MineStrator is a service edited by OctoGency SARL
SIREN: 844 727 594
Everything is automated , click here to order the offer you choose and follow the instructions
You can rent as many servers as you wish. You just have to order and the services will arrive into your account space.

If you need several services , check our MyBox offers.